It’s time to share your new messaging with the world! On this page you’ll find a step-by-step guide to adding it to your social media and website.

  • We worked hard together to create your brand foundation document. Make sure to save a copy to a folder on your computer – somewhere you have easy access to it!

    This document will be used on a regular basis. To create social content, to write website copy, to guide photography, to share with new hires.

    It is everything your brand stands for and will help you stay on track.

  • Add you new Brand Position and Tagline to ALL your social media platforms. Scroll down to see examples showing where to add them.

  • If you have an existing website and we are not working with us on your visual design, now is the time to add your new messaging.


    Your brand position should be the first thing people read on your website. It is meant to speak directly to your ideal clients and entice them to scroll or click to learn more.

    Your tagline
    can be paired up with your logo at the top of your website or with your positioning statement. It can also be placed in the footer of your website as shown below.

    Your Why Statement can be integrated into your about page - either in your personal bio or a section about the business.

    The benefits from your Brand Foundation should be added throughout your website - and most specifically on the Work with You section of your site. Remember to keep this rule of thumb in mind: Have 3x as many “you’s” to ‘I’s’ - meaning make your website about what people get from working with you, rather than just focusing on what you are offering.

Video Guide

If you learn best through video, here’s a short tutorial walking you through adding your messaging to your social and website.

Below this are images showing examples.

Instagram Profile and Bio

Facebook About section

LinkedIn Business Page: tagline and overview

Personal Linkedin: Title and About