Filling The Well

Laura Beauparlant Filling the well in mexico

As an entrepreneur, a mom, a speaker and professor – my attention is needed in many different places on any given day. At times I feel like I can't focus on a task because my brain is thinking about all the other things I need to do.Does that ever happen to you?

I've realized the importance of "filling the well". A term my husband Philippe introduced me to about 2 years ago. And I have to say I've embraced it whole heartily.

So what is filling the well? So much of the time we are emptying the well, which is okay, but giving so much of ourselves can leave us depleted emotionally, physically, spiritually and creatively.

You need to fill that well back up. But how do you do it?

For me, travel has been a part of my life since I was born. My dad's hobby took him all around North America and overseas. Sometimes my brother and I stayed behind with relatives, but many times we travelled together. I have fond memories of our wood panelled station wagon and trailer parks. Seeing new places, meeting new people and, of course, listening to Guns n' Roses on my yellow sony walkman.

Now as a grown up, I love travelling. The life experiences, the new cultures and the getting away from the everyday. But I love coming home. To my own bed. To Canada. To routine.

We just got back from a week in Mexico where we read books, we played, we rested, we swam and we explored. Philippe and I even worked on some business development ideas and I wrote the outline for a book I'm writing. But most importantly, we spent quality time with our kids. With no meals to prepare, dishes or laundry to do, no work or home maintenance or any of the other "things" you have to do as a grown up and parent, we could just be.

We did everything from exploring Mayan ruins and an underground cave full of stalactites to  hanging out on a bali bed on the beach with my oldest son while I read a book and he listened to a pod cast.

We could just be together and it was magical.

I'm going to hold onto that magic for as long as I can. I feel renewed mentally and creatively and ready to take on all of the things I want and need to do in the coming months.

What do you do to fill the well? I'd love to hear so comment below!


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