Ep. 11 Building a Legacy Through Conscious Leadership with Ron Hill

Join host Laura as she welcomes Ron Hill, co-founder of Conscious Leaders Quest and former founder of Redemption Plus, to the Legacy Branding Podcast. After selling his business, Ron experienced a deep transformation, redefining success through conscious leadership. In this episode, he shares how his journey from entrepreneur to purpose-driven guide shaped his mission to help leaders unlock their full potential.

Discover how Ron’s path led to building a community centered on mind, body, and business, creating a legacy of impact and meaningful leadership.

  • Ron Hill is a Purpose Sherpa focused on guiding heart-based leaders and their companies to organizational clarity, developing the next generation of heart based leaders, and creating conversations and events to unlock collective wisdom.

    Ron will guide you and your organization through transformation on Purpose. Helping you to uncover what is already in the fabric of your DNA or the DNA of your company.

    Through his own 25 year experience of growing a purpose-driven organization, Ron understands the challenge of creating psychological safety and an organization where all voices get to be heard.

    Collective wisdom will always be greater than our individual wisdom. As part of your journey, Ron will guide you through a process that unlocks this collective wisdom.

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    Conscious Leaders Quest Website

  • 00:00 Introduction and Personal Journey

    00:14 Welcome to the Legacy Branding Podcast

    00:52 Meet Ron Hill: Purpose-Driven Leadership

    03:36 The Evolution of Redemption Plus

    06:47 Challenges and Decisions During the Pandemic

    09:44 The Hero's Journey and Personal Growth

    13:44 Creating Conscious Leaders Quest

    15:29 Embracing Conscious Leadership

    16:15 The Birth of Conscious Leaders Quest

    17:13 Impact and Community Building

    18:33 The Importance of Inner Work

    19:34 Defining Legacy and Purpose

    21:36 Advice for Aspiring Leaders

    25:33 Mind, Body, and Business Philosophy

    26:56 Upcoming Leadership Adventures

    28:18 Final Thoughts and Gratitude


Ep. 12 Transforming Grief into Legacy with Dina Bell-Laroche


Ep. 10 Business Baby to Biggest Asset with Wendy Brookhouse