Branding Before & After: A Spiritual Rebirth

When you read the words “Psychedelic Therapy” what do you think of?

For many, the words carry a connotation of avoiding reality and disconnecting from it all by sitting back – with a bunch of trippy mushrooms perhaps.

But, this could not be further from the truth. Our client, Angela Ward of Guardian at the Gateway, is on a mission to prove it. Angela combines coaching with psychedelic therapies to help guide her clients on a journey within, so they can return renewed, and experience profound healing and harmony. Angela shows that working with plants in this way can add value, spiritual connection, and awareness for many.

The spirituality industry is often seen as low cost or low value. This is because many spiritual brands appear to be DIY or too ‘out there’.

However, this is serious and important work and we did not want this to be the way that Angela’s potential clients experienced her brand. We wanted to elevate the brand, while still showing the ethereal experience of working with her.

Guardian at the Gateway’s branding was originally quite busy with too many different elements going on. Her social media posts was in need of refinement. Previously it was overwhelming to look at and needed to share more of her unique lens on her work and industry. Her website, logo, and social media were disjointed and misaligned.

We created consistency in her branding from her social media, to her website, to her logo and programs so that there is no longer any confusion about what she does and how she helps people.

The Logo

Before and After Guardian at the Gateway logo Design

We kept the idea of the wings but created a cleaner, more elegant, and memorable visual brand. We also opted to keep the purple from the old branding, but added new and exciting colours with the turquoise and red.

Social Media

Before and After Guardian at the Gateway Social Media

Up-leveling the graphics on their social media accounts meant incorporating cleaner designs, and adding in some white space. Post images are no longer busy and overwhelming, they are calming and inspiring!

Before and After Guardian at the Gateway Social Media Graphics

The Website

Website before and after - Lab Creative

As you can see, we did a full overhaul of Angela’s website. She did a photoshoot to capture her, her brand and the powerful work she does.


Before and After Guardian at the Gateway Program logo

In addition to the visual brand elements, we wanted to be sure that Angela’s brand messaging set her apart as the expert she is and showed that she is an experienced nurse with a history of medical practice. Specifically, Angela spent years working to deliver babies and we wanted to incorporate that background as well. We did this during Brand Camp – before we got started creating the visuals.

“Journey within - Return renewed"

Angela’s clients come to her seeking clarity, desiring to take action and make the next steps in their lives but not sure how to progress. They come feeling scattered, overwhelmed, and disconnected from their true selves. As a coach and psychedelic nurse, Angela helps to guide them through a process of rebirth in which they find true joy, peace, meaning, and guidance.

“Guiding you through the wildness of rebirth to a place of profound healing and harmony.”

Angela’s clients walk away transformed, and they have experienced life-changing breakthroughs. That is not a transformation to be taken lightly or cheapened by industry ‘standard’ branding.

Thank you, Angela, for trusting us with your brand! We are thrilled with the results and can’t wait to see what is next for you and your business!

Is your brand missing the mark? Could you benefit from an experienced set of eyes and an incredible design team?

Do you want to scale your business and attract more of the right clients - the ones who will pay you what you deserve?

If this sounds like you, book a call here!


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