Our founder Laura Beauparlant shares behind the scenes, industry insights, inspiration on the entrepreneurial journey and powerful opinions pieces on branding and design. Enjoy your visit!
The Power of One Sentence
I always knew I was great at helping founders articulate their brilliance, but I never fully owned it. Then, last week, a single conversation changed everything.
The Psychology of First Impressions
At my college grad show, I wore a navy pantsuit that screamed “professional” but hid my creativity. First impressions matter—in life and branding.
The Many Sides of an Entrepreneur
We all have many sides, and we often only show the one we think will help us fit in and be liked. It’s a defence mechanism to keep us safe.
How to Create a Unique Signature Process for Your Brand
When you have a positive experience with a brand, it’s not just the products or service, it’s every step along the journey - from start to finish.
Top 10 Logo Redesigns
While a brand is more than just a logo, it is an important element to get right. Check out this post featuring our best before and after logo transformations.
Brand Evolution: Conscious Leaders Quest
Conscious Leaders Quest envisioned a brand that extended beyond their initial leadership adventures in Costa Rica, one that would resonate deeply not just with the founders, but also with their ever-expanding audience.
3 Common Branding Mistakes and Their Cures
Many entrepreneurs are struggling with common branding mistakes that, once cured, can dramatically improve your brand's potential.
From Tech Entrepreneur to Life Coach
Maia’s story of transformation and new beginnings is an inspiring one. Today I’m sharing her story and the power of branding in shaping not just a business, but a life.
Mastering Personal Branding in Seconds
We are so overwhelmed with social media, emails, text messages and task switching that the window to make a lasting impression is incredibly brief – we're talking less than 7 seconds.
Why I Value Working with Men
In a recent conversation, I jokingly said, "Maybe I should only work with men." The comment was light-hearted, but it led me to a serious reflection.
Transforming Doubt into Clarity
As an entrepreneur, finding your true niche can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Here’s the story of a client who had the needle in her hand the whole time…she just couldn’t see it!
The Referable Business
“Tell me about your trip to Uganda!” I’ve been asked this over and over again since I travelled there a few weeks ago and I love talking about it. Learn why I’m a raving fan and how you can build a business like this.
You: The Secret Ingredient to Your Brand's Success
Want to know why your personal influence matters? Integrating and bringing more of YOU into your brand will help you amplify your business, express your thought leadership and magnetize the right clients.
The Dangers of People Pleasing
Stop sabotaging your brand and start making a big impact. In this blog I share the top three reasons why people-pleasing is a roadblock to success, and how embracing your authenticity can lead to a powerful, authentic brand.
Do You Know Your ‘Why’?
Your ‘Why’ is a genuine expression of why you do what you do. I see it as a measuring stick when making decisions in your business. If you deeply connect with why you do what you do, it makes those decisions easy.
Building a Legacy Brand
Let’s explore what legacy branding is, how to intentionally create one, and why it's important for founders, change-makers, and thought leaders who want to leave a lasting impact on the world.
Why Ghosting is Harmful to Your Reputation
The practice of ghosting - suddenly ceasing communication without explanation - has become all too common. And it’s not just happening in the dating world – it’s happening in business as well!
The Harry & Meghan Brand
Their downfall and how they can rise again.
Love them or hate them, The British Royal Family and most notably – Harry and Meghan Markle – are all over the news these days.