How to Thrive in a Crisis

Laura Beauparlant drinking a cup of tea

How are you really doing?

Every conversation now starts with discussing the current state of the world.My social media and news feed are filled with information about the Covid-19.

My email is inundated with cancelled events.My kids’ schools are closed for the next 3 weeks.

And beyond the obvious need to focus on health, social distancing and cleanliness, my thoughts are on how to deal with the financial implications of what’s happening…and not to panic.

And if you’re reading this, you are most likely an entrepreneur feeling the impact on your business.

Speaking engagements at upcoming conferences are being cancelled.

Projects are being put on hold or cancelled.And you are starting to see that this will affect cash flow.

The beauty of running a small business is that you can pivot quickly.And we can be there to support our clients and fellow entrepreneurs.This is the time to be generous with our time and energy to help others and the beauty is that this will come back to us.

So, let’s get creative.

What needs to shift right now in your business to be able to thrive through this crisis?

  • Turn in-person events into virtual ones.

  • Change or adapt your offer to make it accessible to your clients.

  • Give away some of your time for free.

  • Surround yourself (virtually) with positive people.

What do you personally need to do to stay positive and healthy?

  • Write in a gratitude journal. There is always something to be grateful for.

  • Get exercise, eat well, drink lots of water and sleep.

  • Take the time to meditate.

  • Reach out to friends and family to see if they need help.

  • Don’t spend all your time on social media and reading the news.

This is a challenging time and I know we can thrive if we work together.

Let me know how I can help.


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