Our founder Laura Beauparlant shares behind the scenes, industry insights, inspiration on the entrepreneurial journey and powerful opinions pieces on branding and design. Enjoy your visit!
The Harry & Meghan Brand
Their downfall and how they can rise again.
Love them or hate them, The British Royal Family and most notably – Harry and Meghan Markle – are all over the news these days.
Lead with Impact
Legacy and revolution are powerful words, and I am using them with great intention as we enter 2023. Over the past year I started to dig even deeper into who I am and the impact I want to make on the world.
The KIA Rebranding Fail
Last year KIA underwent a rebrand, changing their logo and slogan in order to level up their brand. It was meant to be represent a new era for Kia, unfortunately, it has led to more confusion than anything.
Sicily has a Branding Problem
When I decided to move my family to Sicily for 10 months earlier this year, SO many people asked, “Why Sicily?” and “Aren’t you worried about your safety? You know they have a big problem with the Mafia there.”
The Damage to the FIFA Brand
Every 4 years the world is taken over with football fever (soccer in North America). After the years of Covid shutdowns and empty stadiums, it’s a relief to fans, players, sponsors, and advertisers that sporting events are back in full force.
My Journey to the Summit
I was pushed to my limit and found my purpose in a bowl of oatmeal. My alarm range at 3:30am. It was dark and cold and unfamiliar. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and joined the others for coffee and prepared for the challenging trek ahead. At 4am with our headlamps on, we began the hours long hike to the summit.
A Community of Wildly Ambitious Women
I don’t always travel 28 hours to give a workshop…this one was worth it.
Have you ever met people that you instantly connected with? Ones who get you, who see you and accept you? People who you can share your ambitions and struggles with?
This is exactly what it was like at Camp Tailwind last weekend.
Branding for Lawyers
In this blog post I’m going to share how – as a lawyer – you can shake up the law industry by creating a brand that stands out (it’s not that hard), builds trust with your audience and shows the world that all lawyers aren’t bad.
Branding for Coaches
We’ve worked with many coaches over the past few years, and they are all SO different, and yet when they came to us, many said they did the same thing with the same type of client.
In this blog post, I’m going to be sharing how – as a coach - you can stand out in a crowded marketplace and become known for something.
Better, More, Enough: Words that keep us striving, but hold us back
What do you think or feel when you hear the word, “Enough?”
I had an interesting conversation about the word “enough” when I was in Greenland. Someone posed a question to the group about when, “Enough is enough”.
Distilling Your Brand Essence: How to Create Your Tagline!
Is it possible to describe the most important aspects and essence of your business in five words or less?
You bet! And, it’s not only possible, we’re going to show you how to do exactly that in this blog as we talk about your Brand Essence (aka your Tagline).
Entrepreneurial Adventures in Greenland: Three Inspiring Takeaways!
Adventure and connection are two things that are very important to me. But I haven’t really had much of either for the past 18 months because well… you know.
Make a Statement: What's Your Brand Position?
When we first start helping our clients discover their "Brand Position", a lot of them haven't even considered it because they aren't completely sure what a brand position is.
Design Spotlight: A Modern Treasure Map for Liz Lajoie
Have you ever taken the time to map out the journey your clients take with you? Perhaps it’s a bit disjointed, or it’s just not clear to your ideal people how they can work with you. Imagine having the clarity of a custom designed map of the entire process!
Features vs. Benefits: Why you need BOTH in your Marketing
We've been talking a lot recently about selling the benefits of your product or service rather than the features alone. But how can you be sure you're on the right path with your marketing? This blog will show you how to couple great features with great benefits for effective communication.
How to Market Like the Big Brands
I have three words for you to remember when marketing your products and services: Most. Desired. Outcome. Do you know what it is for your clients and customers?
Branding Before & After: A Spiritual Rebirth
When you read the words “Psychedelic Therapy” what do you think of? For many, the words carry a connotation of avoiding reality and disconnecting from it all by sitting back - with a bunch of trippy mushrooms perhaps. But, this could not be further from the truth.
How To Stand Out as a Naturopath
Many Naturopathic doctors walk out of medical school with the same degree in hand, so it’s important to tap into what makes you different. There is not a single person exactly like you, so this is the time to dig a little deeper and see what sets you apart.