Are Business Cards Dead?

I had to share a story about something that happened to me last week...and yes it does relate to business cards!

I went to a great networking event on Wednesday evening and met many new people and reconnected with others I had met at a previous event a few months ago. One of the women said she remembered me and my business card – which she still has because she loved it so much! She could describe it in great detail and I was seriously impressed.

Then another woman added that she still has my card as well and remember that she had traded the one I had given her for the green version - since green was her favourite colour! (I've got cards in the 4 different colours from my logo.)

Suddenly everyone standing with us wanted one of my business cards and was asking more questions about my business. So what is the moral of the story? Great business cards make a strong and lasting impact and are still a necessity for any business owner. Make sure they are memorable and something people want to hold onto!


What do your business cards say about your and your business? Send me a photo and I'll let you know!


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