Lemonade Life Branding

Navigating Change: From Life Coach to Divorce Coach

I first met Alicia Robertson at a wedding trade show back when I ran my wedding stationery business. She loved my designs, and hired me to design her wedding invitations. Little did we know that our paths would cross again. Years later, Alicia reached out to me for help with a branding project for her and her husband's home building business. Then again, as she was starting to explore her passion for life coaching as a side project. At the time, her focus was fairly broad, offering life coaching services under the name Lemonade Life.

A Life-Changing Shift

Alicia's life took an unexpected turn when she heard the words, "I want a divorce." It felt like the rug had been ripped out from under her. Suddenly, she found herself not only navigating the end of her marriage but also the loss of her career.

Through this challenging time, Alicia experienced a profound transformation. With grit and grace, she turned a devastating situation into an opportunity for growth and new beginnings. Recognizing a lack of support and guidance for women going through divorce, Alicia decided to specialize as a divorce coach. She drew from her own experiences to help other women navigate this difficult journey.

Messaging and Visual Identity

To align her brand with her new mission, we revisited her brand foundation through our Brand Camp process. Together, we crafted new messaging that aligned with her new direction. This deep exploration helped us articulate  clear and compelling messaging.

Lemonade Life: Key Messaging

    Thrive through divorce.

    Helping women navigate divorce deliberately and thrive with grit and grace.

    Empowering women to honour themselves and find the positive aspects of divorce while transitioning from partnership to single life.

    Authentic | Wise | Intuitive | Energetic | Bold | Confident | Visionary | Logical | Heart-centered

The visual identity we had created several years earlier still fit so no changes were made. We also developed the brand identity for Alicia's new online program, unwife, offering comprehensive guidance for women going through divorce. This program's branding seamlessly integrates with Lemonade Life, maintaining consistency while highlighting its unique focus.

Alicia's Personal Story and Impact

Alicia's journey is a powerful example of how personal experiences can shape a brand. Her transition from a general life coach to a specialized divorce coach required a significant shift in her business strategy and updated messaging to accurately reflect her new direction. Alicia's mission is to change the narrative around divorce and provide the support and guidance she wished she had during her separation. She aims to help women come out on the other side feeling hopeful, inspired, and positive.

moodboard design
lemonade life logo design
Lemonade Life coaching business card design
Lemonade Life lead magnet design

“I love working with Lab Creative because their approach produces meaningful results that allow me to claim my value and connect with my dream clients.

I get butterflies to see my brand every time and that is a game changer that offers motivation and inspiration, in what can be a challenging solo mission as a creator and visionary.”

Alicia Robertson, Lemonade Life, Unwife

Lemonade life coach website - Alicia Robertson
Unwife by Lemonade Life logo
lemonade life lemon illustrations
Lemonade life brand guidelines document

Ready to Transform Your Brand?

Are you ready to pivot your business or refine your brand to better reflect your mission? Whether you're navigating a major life change or seeking to resonate more deeply with your audience, our Brand Camp process can help you articulate your vision and create a cohesive, impactful brand.

Book a call with us today to start your journey toward a more authentic and effective brand identity.


5 Ways to Show Up as a Leader


The Origin Story of Brand Camp