Our founder Laura Beauparlant shares behind the scenes, industry insights, inspiration on the entrepreneurial journey and powerful opinions pieces on branding and design. Enjoy your visit!
Why Founders Can’t Afford to Skip Personal Branding—Before or After an Exit
Skipping personal branding could be the most expensive mistake you make as a founder. Whether you’re planning an exit or looking to grow your influence, your personal brand is the key.
The Evolution of Olympic Logos
Discover the evolution of Olympic logos and how they reflect the unique cultural styles of each host city, from Paris to Mexico.
Top 10 Logo Redesigns
While a brand is more than just a logo, it is an important element to get right. Check out this post featuring our best before and after logo transformations.
Brand Evolution: Conscious Leaders Quest
Conscious Leaders Quest envisioned a brand that extended beyond their initial leadership adventures in Costa Rica, one that would resonate deeply not just with the founders, but also with their ever-expanding audience.
3 Common Branding Mistakes and Their Cures
Many entrepreneurs are struggling with common branding mistakes that, once cured, can dramatically improve your brand's potential.
Sherwin Williams: Time for A Rebrand
Imagine a business in 2024 that’s logo is a bucket of red paint being poured over the Earth and accompanied by the tagline "Cover the Earth."
From Tech Entrepreneur to Life Coach
Maia’s story of transformation and new beginnings is an inspiring one. Today I’m sharing her story and the power of branding in shaping not just a business, but a life.
The Alive Dental Rebrand Success Story
In the world of dentistry, most brands look and sound the same. In our blog post today, we share the before and after of our client Alive Dental and the reasoning behind it.
Transforming Tradition
It’s easy to fall into the way things have always been done – not just in life but in business and industry. So when your company has been in business for decades, making the decision to rebrand can be a difficult one.
Building a Better Future
In need of clear and powerful messaging and an impactful visual brand, the founders of Tridome sought out our expertise. In this blog post, I share their rebranding journey and before and after of their logo and websites.
The KIA Rebranding Fail
Last year KIA underwent a rebrand, changing their logo and slogan in order to level up their brand. It was meant to be represent a new era for Kia, unfortunately, it has led to more confusion than anything.
Branding for Coaches
We’ve worked with many coaches over the past few years, and they are all SO different, and yet when they came to us, many said they did the same thing with the same type of client.
In this blog post, I’m going to be sharing how – as a coach - you can stand out in a crowded marketplace and become known for something.
Our Favourite Before And After Logo Designs
Nothing makes me happier than going back through our projects and seeing the difference we've made to our client’s businesses.
Level Up Your Brand
Our client Heather her old logo from the very beginning. It didn't fit her target audience or her price point, which meant she wasn't attracting the right clients.
Find your niche
We are all too close to our business to see what is obvious to others. Many of us entrepreneurs spent most of our time in a bit of a bubble and we can't be objective. We need someone else to be a sounding board, to listen and help you see what you don't see.
From Burnt Out To Fired Up
I was very excited when Dr. Lisa Watson participated in the very first online session of Brand Camp last spring and we are both thrilled with the outcome.
A Brand Camp Success Story.
We created the branding for Vibrant Workplace Strategies 7 years ago and last year the owner was ready for a change and fresh perspective on her business and its direction.