Our founder Laura Beauparlant shares behind the scenes, industry insights, inspiration on the entrepreneurial journey and powerful opinions pieces on branding and design. Enjoy your visit!
Entrepreneurial Lessons from an Erupting Volcano
Last May I was on my way to Uganda for an epic Wayfinders trip, and everything that could go wrong, did.
The Referable Business
“Tell me about your trip to Uganda!” I’ve been asked this over and over again since I travelled there a few weeks ago and I love talking about it. Learn why I’m a raving fan and how you can build a business like this.
My Journey to the Summit
I was pushed to my limit and found my purpose in a bowl of oatmeal. My alarm range at 3:30am. It was dark and cold and unfamiliar. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and joined the others for coffee and prepared for the challenging trek ahead. At 4am with our headlamps on, we began the hours long hike to the summit.