Are you a warrior?

Laura Beauparlant Warrior

Yesterday was a significant day in my life. On November 12th, 1995 – 23 years ago – I was hit by a drunk driver and my life was changed forever. Last night, at the exact time of the crash all those years ago, I celebrated by doing a power yoga class with my amazing instructor Kimberly Mutch.

Being able to move my body in ways I was told I may never do again is power – and I don't take it for granted.I've always called myself a survivor (never a victim) but yesterday while at a photoshoot with our amazing new client Catherine Kerr, she explained the difference between a survivor and a warrior.

I knew in that moment that I am a warrior. I chose (and still choose) to take action.I took a negative experience and turned it into a positive and this has helped me in many aspects of my personal and professional life.

My physical and mental recovery over 2 years was the most difficult time in my life, however this "accident" gave me an amazing gift. It made me see that I was capable of doing so much more than I ever thought I could. It gave me the courage to live a life that I design. It brought many amazing people into my life and created new and exciting opportunities.

So why am I sharing this?

Because as entrepreneurs we need to be warriors. You need to be able to pick yourself back up after set backs and failures. You need to lead with passion and courage. You need to be able to see the positive in the negative. You need to surround yourself with people who love and challenge you, and who support and push you.

Remember – you are in control. You have the beautiful opportunity to design your business and life.


Do it!


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