Our founder Laura Beauparlant shares behind the scenes, industry insights, inspiration on the entrepreneurial journey and powerful opinions pieces on branding and design. Enjoy your visit!
Mastering the Art of the ‘No’ in Entrepreneurship
As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to fall into the trap of saying yes to everything. Saying No is about making choices that align with your deepest values and vision for your life and business.
Entrepreneurial Lessons from an Erupting Volcano
Last May I was on my way to Uganda for an epic Wayfinders trip, and everything that could go wrong, did.
From Tech Entrepreneur to Life Coach
Maia’s story of transformation and new beginnings is an inspiring one. Today I’m sharing her story and the power of branding in shaping not just a business, but a life.
Is your business worth dying for?
Discover how contemplating life's ultimate question can transform your business approach and inspire a deeply fulfilling professional journey.
Mastering Personal Branding in Seconds
We are so overwhelmed with social media, emails, text messages and task switching that the window to make a lasting impression is incredibly brief – we're talking less than 7 seconds.
Why I Value Working with Men
In a recent conversation, I jokingly said, "Maybe I should only work with men." The comment was light-hearted, but it led me to a serious reflection.
From Fast Food to Entrepreneurship
As a teenager, one of my first jobs was working at McDonald's and I loved it! It was a fun job with great co-workers, and I loved making my own money. What I didn’t know at the time, was the lasting impression it would make on me.
Embracing Change
Eight years ago, I was in a huge state of transition. I was closing my first business, developing Brand Camp, launching Lab Creative and hiring a designer. I was terrified and exhilarated…
2023 Business Trends
In periods of reset, there are always great opportunities, and now is no different. Let’s shape the trends rather than follow them. Here are 5 key business trends I see being important this year and beyond.
Lead with Impact
Legacy and revolution are powerful words, and I am using them with great intention as we enter 2023. Over the past year I started to dig even deeper into who I am and the impact I want to make on the world.
My Journey to the Summit
I was pushed to my limit and found my purpose in a bowl of oatmeal. My alarm range at 3:30am. It was dark and cold and unfamiliar. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and joined the others for coffee and prepared for the challenging trek ahead. At 4am with our headlamps on, we began the hours long hike to the summit.
A Community of Wildly Ambitious Women
I don’t always travel 28 hours to give a workshop…this one was worth it.
Have you ever met people that you instantly connected with? Ones who get you, who see you and accept you? People who you can share your ambitions and struggles with?
This is exactly what it was like at Camp Tailwind last weekend.
Entrepreneurial Adventures in Greenland: Three Inspiring Takeaways!
Adventure and connection are two things that are very important to me. But I haven’t really had much of either for the past 18 months because well… you know.
How to Market Like the Big Brands
I have three words for you to remember when marketing your products and services: Most. Desired. Outcome. Do you know what it is for your clients and customers?
Think First. Design Later.
Recently I’ve spoken with several entrepreneurs struggling with their business and feeling the pressure to go in a new direction or choose a niche that deep down doesn’t feel aligned with them. They wonder why they aren’t getting the right clients, why they feel so conflicted and why their business is stagnant or even shrinking.
5 Key Ingredients for Authenticity
You need to create a heart to heart connection with the people you want to work with. When you can connect with them on an emotional level, you have a greater chance of creating that connection.
Visibility and Vulnerability
Vulnerability is a HOT topic these days. And I see a lot of people crushing it and equally as many who being crushed by it. So how do you know which camp you are in?
What's Your Vision for 2020?
December is always a time of reflection. It’s a time to see if I did what I set out to achieve this year. It reminds me of what I’ve accomplished…And it’s a reminder of the things that didn’t go well.