Our founder Laura Beauparlant shares behind the scenes, industry insights, inspiration on the entrepreneurial journey and powerful opinions pieces on branding and design. Enjoy your visit!

Entrepreneurship Laura Beauparlant Entrepreneurship Laura Beauparlant

2023 Business Trends

In periods of reset, there are always great opportunities, and now is no different. Let’s shape the trends rather than follow them. Here are 5 key business trends I see being important this year and beyond. 

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Inspiration, Entrepreneurship Laura Beauparlant Inspiration, Entrepreneurship Laura Beauparlant

My Journey to the Summit

I was pushed to my limit and found my purpose in a bowl of oatmeal. My alarm range at 3:30am. It was dark and cold and unfamiliar. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and joined the others for coffee and prepared for the challenging trek ahead. At 4am with our headlamps on, we began the hours long hike to the summit.

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Entrepreneurship, Branding, Brand Camp Laura Beauparlant Entrepreneurship, Branding, Brand Camp Laura Beauparlant

Think First. Design Later.

Recently I’ve spoken with several entrepreneurs struggling with their business and feeling the pressure to go in a new direction or choose a niche that deep down doesn’t feel aligned with them. They wonder why they aren’t getting the right clients, why they feel so conflicted and why their business is stagnant or even shrinking.

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