How to Create a Unique Signature Process for Your Brand

Steps to Ensure Consistent Success

Have you ever received a referral for company that turned out to be just awful, or heard a rave review for a restaurant only to experience it for yourself and be highly disappointed? You might be scratching your head wondering, “Was that person eating at the same place I was?” “Did they hire who I hired?”

If the product or service you received differed from what was recommended, chances are the restaurant or business did not have a signature process in place. A process helps to avoid discrepancies like this and ensures that everyone has the same, consistent experience every time.

Your brand isn’t just what you sell, it’s how you sell it.

Have you ever noticed how McDonald's french fries taste the same no matter where you are in the world? They have a repeatable process that they follow to the T. (Unhealthy as it may be!)

When you have a positive experience with a brand, it’s not just the products, it’s every step along the journey of how you receive that product or service. From start to finish.

This is something you can do in your own businesses to ensure results. And, having your own signature process in place can double, triple, or even quadruple your impact. Sounds pretty great, doesn’t it?

What is a Signature Process?

A signature process is a combination of the behind-the-scenes structures in how you work with clients and what you do from a client-facing perspective.

It is what you can do over and over with each client so that you can ensure that everyone who works with you has the same experience...every time! Having SOPs and project management tools are a must to achieve this.

Having a signature process means your business is systemized and scalable which allows you to hire people to support you. You don’t need to be the only one who can work with clients and customers because there are clearly defined do’s and don’ts every step of the way.


Lab Creative’s Unique Process

Our unique 3-step branding process (Think, Design, Amplify) helps you create chemistry with yourself, your business, and your ideal clients - we call this Brand Chemistry.

All of our clients must go through Brand Camp before we will design anything for them. Why? The designs are more aligned, have more meaning and longevity, and stand out!

Lab Creative Signature Branding Process

Paula Owen Photography

Our client Paula's work combines intuitive insights and photography to guide clients through a unique process of self-discovery, resulting in profound shifts in self-perception and truly authentic brand photography. She is not just another brand photographer. Check out her website to learn more.

Tridome Structures

We developed Tridome's unique signature process, identifying the physical, environmental, social, and psychological impact of every project. Tridome builds with nature, not in spite of it. This process became a key differentiator in their market and a way to create a repeatable journey for their clients.

Tridome Signature Process

Your Process Will Not Be For Everyone

Once you have decided what your process is and how you do and do not work, you will naturally have some people that are not a good fit.

That’s OK.

When you are clear on what sets you apart, and that is consistently coming through as you market your business, the right people will be drawn to you. And it's actually best if you can repel the ones who aren't a good fit.

No one will be able to compare you to anyone else when you have taken time to create and design a process that is all your own and unique to you.

It begins by doing the deep work, exploring who you are and what unique features and benefits you have to offer the world. When you begin to discover and embrace what you bring to the table, that is when the magic happens!

"To be seen, to be heard, and to be successful, you need to get clear on who you are, why you do what you do, what's in it for your customers, and why they should hire you over the other guy." — excerpt from my book Brand Chemistry

Here are some questions to start asking yourself:

  • What journey do you take your customers on that makes you different?

  • What steps in your process set you apart from others in your field who are offering the same product or service?

  • When do my clients get the best results from working with us?

When you determine what these things are, you can then feel confident in saying, “This is how I offer my services.” You know what works and where your clients will see the best results, and you are choosing to focus on delivering that experience every single time.

This is why Brand Camp is an essential first step in our process and why we don’t deviate.

Create your process around what you love and when your clients get the best results.

One of the most amazing things about this entrepreneurial journey is that we are the master of our own destiny. We can create the business that we want to create, we can write our own script.

  • What kind of business do you really want?

  • What is the legacy you want to create?

  • What do you want to be known for?

  • What lights you up the most in your business?

  • How can you create your Signature Process around these things?

This is where your impact begins to grow and expand exponentially. You can help more people, AND you will be getting your clients amazing results in a way that is unique to you.

You will love your work, the people you work with, and they will love you too!

Ready to Create Your Signature Process?

If you're ready to set big goals and make them happen, we’re here to help. Book a call with us today, and let’s start the journey to creating your impactful, legacy-driven brand.

Book a Call with Us


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