What's Your Vision for 2020?

Laura Beauparlant - Founder of Lab Creative Inc

December is always a time of reflection.

It's a time to see if I did what I set out to achieve this year.It reminds me of what I've accomplished...Things like launching my book, speaking on more than a dozen stages (both locally and internationally) and being interviewed on so many podcasts I lost count!

And a reminder of the things that didn’t go well....The missed goals, the things that went sideways and the disappointments. And I've had all of the above this year either personally or professionally. (I'll share more on this in a future post.)

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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur like me this might sound familiar.

Maybe more things went awesome this year than went sideways. Or maybe it was the other way around.

Either way, now is the perfect time to reflect on the year. Not to beat yourself about all the “learning experiences” you had.

So what did you learn about yourself this year?What can you do differently next year?

The key is to not be too hard on yourself.As an ambitious entrepreneur I have high expectations of myself and others. And I’m often very hard on myself – something I’m working on.

It helps that I have great people in my life that I can share the good, the bad and the ugly with. Something I recommend to everyone. We all need a sounding board and I don't mean social media. (more on that in a future post as well)

The reality is that I’ve pushed myself to do many new things this year and I need to take the time to celebrate the wins and focus less on the failures.

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My 2019 was focussed on me.I needed to work on my own mindset, to clear my limiting beliefs about what I was capable of and to stop dimming my own light.

It was challenging to say the least.

The process cracked open some old wounds that left me in a vulnerable place.

AND I worked through it...with help and support.

I'm stronger now than ever and I've learned so much about myself and what I need to thrive.I've invested heavily in my own personal development and in my business.

2020 is going to be different.

2020 is going to be all about FOCUS.

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Here’s my top 5 things I'm focusing on in 2020.

  1. Creating great content for my amazing audience.

  2. Generating predictable, consistent revenue every month.

  3. Doing what I do best and delegating the rest!(My new VA is going to help with that!)

  4. Streamlining and improving our client experience and process.

  5. Personal time. From self-care to quarterly family vacations.

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What do you have planned for 2020?

And don't forget to stop and celebrate your wins for this year!

I’d love for you to share a win you are celebrating this year and what your focus will be in 2020 so I can cheer you on!


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