Why NOT to Hire a Specialist

I know the title is a little clickbait-y, but ChatGPT made me do it. Just kidding — this was all me! Now that I have your attention, let’s dive into why hiring a branding company that doesn’t specialize in your industry might actually be the smartest decision you’ll make.

There are many occasions where working with a specialist is the right move. Like when you need a surgeon, a lawyer, or an accountant, you want someone who knows the ins and outs of your specific needs. But in a creative industry like branding, not specializing can open up a world of opportunities and fresh perspectives that industry-specific experts might miss.

Let me explain.

Avoid the Trap of Sameness

One of the most significant challenges in working with specialists is that they often result in similar results within their niche. They’ve worked with hundreds of clients in your industry before, which means their ideas become predictable, and—let’s be honest—boring. It’s human nature to fall back on what we know works, but in business, the last thing you want is to look like everyone else in your space.

Imagine hiring a branding specialist who works exclusively with law firms. You’re likely to end up with similar messaging, logos, and website layouts that the firm down the street—or even across the country—already has. There's less room for innovation when you’re relying on someone who views your industry through a narrow lens.

We’ve seen this happen time and time again. For example, a few years ago, a client hired us because we didn’t specialize in their industry. They wanted a fresh, outsider’s perspective—someone who wouldn’t bring preconceived notions of how things have always been done.

Our clients span a diverse range of industries, including wellness, finance, coaching, education, retreats, playgrounds, personal brands, and pools.

The “Green Leaf” Problem

Another classic example is within the naturopathic space. Have you ever noticed how the majority of naturopath logos feature green leaves? It’s almost an unspoken industry standard. But just because something is standard doesn’t mean it’s effective or the right way to do things.

From the outside, it’s clear that the market is saturated with similar imagery, making it hard for any individual practitioner or clinic to stand out.

It takes an outsider to see 'the forest for the trees.'

The “One Size Fits All” Trap

I was invited to speak at a conference for optometrists and ophthalmologists a few years ago, and afterward, I performed brand audits for several participants. As I went through their social media profiles and websites, I quickly noticed a pattern. Many of them had nearly identical messaging, stock photography, and even layouts. It wasn’t long before I discovered that all their websites had been designed by the same company.

When hiring a branding firm that specializes in your industry, you’re hiring someone to apply the same formula that they’ve used for dozens of other clients just like you.

Why a Fresh Perspective Matters

When you hire someone outside of your industry, you’re opening yourself up to innovation, creativity, and fresh ideas. We throw away the baggage of “how it’s always been done.” We bring ideas and concepts we’ve seen in other industries, ones you might never have considered. This helps us create brands that are not just different for the sake of being different but brands that genuinely stand out, resonate with your audience, and reflect who you are.

The magic happens in the cross-pollination of creative ideas and inspiration from various industries, along with influences from fashion, photography, and architecture.

Building a Legacy Brand

This fresh perspective isn't just about standing out in the moment—it's about building a brand that lasts. At Lab Creative, we believe in the power of Legacy Branding. A legacy brand goes beyond short-term recognition. It's about creating a long-lasting, impact-driven identity that continues to evolve and remain relevant as your business grows.

Our process helps you craft a brand that resonates deeply with your audience and leaves an enduring impact. By stepping outside of your industry’s norms, we ensure your brand stands the test of time. We create brands that people not only recognize but remember.

Branding should never be about fitting in. It’s about standing out, getting noticed, and making an impression. And you're not going to do that if you look and sound like everyone else.

Let’s Bring Fresh Ideas to Your Brand

If this resonates with your current branding challenges, I'd love to help you explore how to create a fresh approach. Whatever your industry, we’ll help you break the mold, stand out, and create a brand that not only works now but is built to last.

Click here to book a call and let’s start the conversation.


The Evolution of Olympic Logos