3 Common Branding Mistakes and Their Cures

Let’s face it, our feeds are flooded with endless streams of content, and every brand is vying for a moment in the spotlight. Standing out is more than a "nice to have" — it’s your brand’s lifeline.

As I mention in my book, Brand Chemistry, many entrepreneurs are struggling with common branding mistakes that, once cured, can dramatically improve your brand's potential.

So, buckle up as we navigate through 3 of the branding blunders I've encountered and, more importantly, how you can turn these 'oops' moments into 'aha' moments for a brand that stands out in the crowd.

1. Generic and Unremarkable

A common trap for businesses is following with others are doing in their industry…leading to a mediocre logo and forgettable messaging.

They blend into the background and get lost in the noise.

This is what happens when you skip the deep work and jump right to getting a logo and website designed. While they may look good on the surface, until you get the clarity on what makes you different and how you want to be known, your visual brand will fall flat and won't last.

By deep work I mean getting clear on what makes you different, why you do what you do and how you want to be known in your industry. Only then can you have a visual brand designed that is memorable and remarkable.

Your brand is the most powerful tool you can use to effectively connect with your specific target audience.

I've often shared that I noticed a huge difference in our design work after I created Brand Camp (the deep work). The logos have more depth and became more meaningful and aligned with the founder's vision.

They stand the test of time and most definitely stand out. This is what I made Brand Camp essential for all our clients.

The Cure: Be Memorable and Remarkable

Embrace your uniqueness. Authenticity attracts, making you memorable to those who align with your values and vision. If your branding feels like it's skimming the surface, it's time to dig deeper. Establish a clear brand foundation and transform your brand from forgettable to memorable.

2. No Systems

I wouldn’t be surprised if you were thinking, What could systems possibly have to do with my brand?

The answer is this: Everything. Because without these systems in place, your business lacks credibility and consistency.

Soon after I started my first company, my second client remarked that they’d hired me because I was “more established” than others they had considered. I knew I could deliver what I’d promised, so I accepted the compliment without revealing that I was just getting my business underway.

What won over this client, and many more to come, was that I combined my design style with a professionally run business they could trust.

So while operational systems might seem unrelated to branding at first glance, but they establish credibility. Written procedures, contracts, and pricing structures reassure clients of your professionalism.

The truth of the matter is that how you operate your business is just as important as what you sell.

I firmly believe that the strongest statement of a brand comes from the inside out. How you run your business is a powerful reflection of the brand you’re building—and the most direct way

to create long-lasting customer confidence.

The Cure: Create Systems

Implement clear procedures, contracts, and SOPs for every from internal and external communication, client journey, pricing etc. This reassures clients of your professionalism, creates a consistent experience from client to client and enhances your overall brand perception.

3. Inconsistency

This by far the most common branding mistake I see entrepreneur make and the easies to fix. An inconsistent visual identity—from your website to social media has the potential to create major confusion for your customers.

Inconsistency in colours, fonts and tone and photography style confuses your audience, diluting your brand's impact. Whereas a cohesive brand identity across all platforms strengthens brand recognition and trust.

Ask yourself: Are my clients instantly able to recognize my business wherever they find me?

Open up your website and all your social media platforms in a browser and flip between them. What do you notice? Do they look like they belong to the same company?

Inconsistency of any kind weakens the brand you’re trying to make recognizable.

A few months after we designed the brand for a client a promotional piece for an event she was involved in ran on Facebook. I was shocked to see that the colour of her logo had been changed to match the event’s colour scheme!

Her brand colours were nowhere to be seen. While this might be good for the event, it wasn't good for our client. No one should ever change the colours of your logo.

The Cure: Establish Brand Guidelines and stick to them!

Brand Guidelines ensure that all your marketing materials, from your website to social media, present a unified brand image. Review your website, social media and marketing materials and fix all the inconsistencies you find.

Reflect on these mistakes and their cures to identify areas of improvement in your own branding efforts.

Consistency, clarity, and authenticity enhance brand recognition, improve marketing effectiveness and build a lasting connection with your audience.

Consider these questions to evaluate your brand's health and direction:

  • Are you clear on what makes you different and what your brand stands for?

  • Do you have clear systems that ensure a consistent experience for your clients?

  • Are there inconsistencies in your brand presentation across different platforms?

By addressing these questions and applying the branding cures, you can refine your approach, ensuring your brand resonates deeply with your desired audience and stands out in the competitive marketplace.

If you're tired of blending into the background and ready to make your mark, it's time for a chat. Book a discovery call with us today. Your unforgettable brand journey starts now.


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