Our founder Laura Beauparlant shares behind the scenes, industry insights, inspiration on the entrepreneurial journey and powerful opinions pieces on branding and design. Enjoy your visit!
Does your title define you?
Do you consider yourself an entrepreneur, a business owner, a freelancer, a solopreneur, a mompreneur? Did you ever think that people might define how they see you by how you refer to yourself?
Fun Love Photography Branding
Heather Davidson-Meyn is an award-winning portrait photographer and the owner of Fun Love Photography, which is based in Toronto.
Do you work alone or with a team?
For years I worked by myself in my home office. It worked for a long time...until it didn’t. I got lonely, bored and uninspired. Sound familiar?
Supporting the Work of Leaders
Cheryl Byrne is a former senior executive, CEO and board chair who has transitioned into a leadership consultant and executive coach. She was in need of a new brand.
Find your niche
We are all too close to our business to see what is obvious to others. Many of us entrepreneurs spent most of our time in a bit of a bubble and we can't be objective. We need someone else to be a sounding board, to listen and help you see what you don't see.
What is your brand missing?
You know your brand needs something, but you're just not sure what it is. That was the case for Cindy Wagman of THe Good Partnership
Does your brand match your business direction?
Before undertaking a rebrand, you first must get clear on the direction you want for your business. Do you know how big you want to grow, what kinds of clients you want to serve and the place you want to stake in your industry?
The Study Studio Rebranding
The owners of The Study Studio bought the business a number of years ago and it was time to give the outdated brand a complete overhaul.
Revolutionizing my business
As I close that chapter of my business life, I wanted to take a moment to share my journey to get here.
Filling The Well
So much of the time we are emptying the well, but giving so much of ourselves can leave us depleted emotionally, physically, spiritually and creatively.
From Burnt Out To Fired Up
I was very excited when Dr. Lisa Watson participated in the very first online session of Brand Camp last spring and we are both thrilled with the outcome.
7 Lessons From An Entrepreneur
I’ve learned so much about myself and about running my business in 2017 and I wanted to share the top 7 things I learned this year.
Pulling it all together – for real!
In the 14 years since I started my business, I’ve had my share of amazing and challenging clients. But everyone once in a while a client comes along that has a way of reminding me why I do what I do and helps me to confidently own my strengths.
Going Beyond The Headshot
The world has been changing quickly and as a business owner, you have to keep up with where things are headed. What I've seen is that the client experience will be a dominating factor in business.
Have An Opinion
My opinion – based on years of experience as a designer, entrepreneur and branding expert – is actually what people pay me for. (And our design work is a product of that well-honed viewpoint.)
How A Plane Trip Gave Me A New Perspective
Last Sunday I had an EPIC day! It had nothing to do with business or branding and yet, it somehow made me think about these things. Ahhh, the life of an entrepreneur!
Are Business Cards Dead?
I went to a networking event recently and one women said she remembered me and my business card She could describe it in great detail and I was seriously impressed.